The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson
The Daily Blade, hosted by Pastor Joby Martin of the Church of Eleven22 and Kyle Thompson of Undaunted.Life, is a short-form devotional show that equips Christians to apply the Word of God to their everyday lives.
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The Daily Blade: Joby Martin & Kyle Thompson
#23 - Joby Martin // Understanding Righteousness
The episode highlights the intertwining themes of God’s justice, mercy, and grace, focusing on the doctrine of propitiation through Jesus Christ. Understanding that God sees believers through the lens of Christ’s righteousness transforms how one perceives their relationship with God and His disposition toward them.
• Exploring the meaning of propitiation and its significance
• Understanding God's justice and why sin cannot be overlooked
• The transformative impact of Christ’s sacrifice on believers
• Addressing misconceptions about God’s feelings towards believers
• Reframing self-identity through faith in Christ
• The Prodigal Son as an illustration of God’s grace
• Living in the freedom of God’s approval
• Encouragement to share this message with others
Welcome to the Daily Blade. The Word of God is described as the sword of the Spirit, the primary spiritual weapon in the Christian's armor against the forces of evil. Your hosts are Joby Martin and Kyle Thompson, and they stand ready to equip men for the fight. Let's sharpen up.
Speaker 2:Here we go, wrapping up Romans 3. Again, we have established that none is righteous, not even one. We've established that by works of the law no one can be made right with God. It's not what you do for God, but what he has done for you at the cross of Jesus Christ. We have reminded you that the entire Old Testament, the law and the prophets, the Hebrew scriptures, all point to the coming righteousness of God, the person and work of Jesus. And then we establish that for anyone who believes that you are made right with God. So now we'll pick it up in verse 25. He says whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, that God put forward Jesus as a propitiation by his blood. We're going to come back to that word propitiation To be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Speaker 2:Let me explain what those last couple of verses mean. It means this that all sin must be paid for. Why? Because God is just. For God to overlook sin would make him an unjust judge and he will not do it because that would be out of character with who he is. I mean, imagine if somebody sinned against your loved one. Imagine if somebody molested and raped your daughter and then they caught the felon. They take him to the courthouse and on the day of judgment, the judge looks at this person that has hurt your family and he says you know what? Nobody's perfect, don't worry about it. You would look at that man as a judge and you would say you are an unjust judge and you were unfit for the role that you play. Well, god is a just judge. Because of God's justice, all sin must be paid for. God cannot overlook sin, because that would make him an unjust judge. So, because of God's justice, all sin must be paid for.
Speaker 2:He goes on to say, in his divine forbearance he has passed over former sins. Because of God's mercy, god delayed the payment for sin. This is why you and I are able to listen to the Daily Blade today, because if he enacted his judgment the first time you ever sinned, then you and I would never have made it out of the crib. Because God is merciful, he delays the payment for sin, but, the best part of all, because of God's grace, he makes the payment on our behalf. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that God must be the just and the justifier for anyone who has faith in Jesus. You see, at the cross of Jesus Christ, not only do you see the justice of God poured out on sin by the wrath of God being poured out on his son, for he was pleased to crush him, but you also see the mercy, the love and the grace of God, because that sacrifice covers the sins of everyone who would believe.
Speaker 2:But what I really want us to lean into is this theological term the propitiation, he says, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood. That word propitiation means a payment that satisfies and here's why this matters, why this matters that when Jesus Christ died on the cross, for anyone who would believe, christ's sacrifice life, death and resurrection at the cross and through the empty tomb was the propitiation for your sin. That means that Christ's payment fully and finally satisfied the law of God, the justice of God, the wrath of God. When Jesus pushed up on his nail-pierced feet, he says to tell us that means paid in full. And men, let me tell you why this matters. Let me tell you why. If you understand that Christ is the propitiation for your sin, how it will change everything about everything about everything, about your whole life.
Speaker 2:Aw Tozer says the most important thing about you is what you think when you think about God. And a bunch of you think that God is really frustrated with you. And the reason you think that is because you're frustrating, that you're late and you're lazy and you break promises and you never live up to the things that you say you're going to do, and we think that God looks at us with a furrowed brow. But pay attention to this If you were in Christ and Jesus is the payment that satisfies, then God is not dissatisfied in you. You hear that that if you are in Christ, the righteousness of Christ has been imputed to you and of course you screw up and of course you sin and of course you fall short. So run to him, quit running from him.
Speaker 2:And when he sees you, he sees the perfect blood of his son, jesus Christ. We see this in the prodigal son, where the dad wraps the robe of righteousness around his son. We see this in the breastplate of righteousness. When you put that on, you do not see the flab that's underneath the breastplate, you see the perfect pecs and abs of a Roman breastplate. And so I tell that, to tell you this God is not dissatisfied in you. What I want you to remember is that when Jesus was baptized, that he comes up out of the water and God, the Father, says out loud about his son behold my son, in whom I am well pleased and pop quiz, how much ministry had Jesus done at that point? The answer is none. He hadn't walked on water, hadn't turned water to wine, hadn't preached a sermon, definitely had not been crucified, dead and resurrected. And before he did anything, god placed his pleasure on him. If you were in Christ, then God is pleased in you. Now I dare you to live that way.
Speaker 1:Peace. Thank you for listening to today's episode Before you go. If you want to help equip other men for the fight, share this podcast around and leave us a five-star rating and review. Stay sharp.